Finally! GOautodial CE Multi-Language Support has been released!
Languages currently supported:
- English
- Spanish
- Filipino
- Italian
GOautodial CE users are open and welcome to contribute by helping us to correct certain grammars or translate other languages.
To get this feature, you need to update your server via github, be sure to backup your configurations and files before updating.
After updating your code from github, install the multi-language database.
Follow this step
GoAdmin CE security vulnerabilities found. The specifics of each are below:
1. Arbitrary file upload within the ‘audiostore’ (Voice Files) upload functionality.
2. Arbitrary command injection via the ‘cpanel’ function due to lack of input sanitization.
3. SQL injection within the ‘go_get_user_info’ function due to lack of input sanitization.
To fix this, you need to update your server via github, be sure to backup your configurations and files before updating.
We also acknowledged the help of Chris McCurley for letting us know and fixing the said security vulnerabilities.
Affected versions:
3.0 to 3.3
GOautodial CE 3.3 has been released! Updated system packages, bug fixes and a lot more.
GOadmin 3.3-1406088000
Vicidial 2.9 RC1 (2.9.441a)
Asterisk 1.8.23
CentOS 5.10 base OS
Easily update your GOautodial CE 3.0 system to 3.3 via a single command:
yum update -y
Finally! Asterisk 1.8 has come to GOautodial CE 3.0. Featuring the patched version of Asterisk 1.8.23-vici (from the Vicidial group). Head over to our Wiki page to browse the HOWTOs. Here's the direct link: How to Upgrade to Asterisk 1.8.23
GOautodial-ce-3.0-1373083200 has been uploaded to our repository. Featuring improved inbound (call menus/IVR and DIDs/queue) related wizards. New widget designs and tonnes of bugfixes.
Here are some of the updates:
User group permissions
Streamlined widgets
Improved DIDs and call menu wizards
Vicidial updated to 2.7RC1
Improved lead and recording search funtions
Bugfixes and a lot more
Run "yum update" to download the updates and upgrade your GOautodial system.

Done creating the base system for GoAutoDial CE 3.0 32-bit. Using CentOS 5.9 as system base. Included updated packages from CentOS updates repo and PHP 5.3.